Κατηγορίες: Τρίτο Συνέδριο

Ολλανδία, Μαρξιστική Λενινιστική Οργάνωση Rode Morgen – Χαιρετισμός στο 3ο Συνέδριο της ΚΟΕ

To the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE)

Dear Comrades,

GML/Rode Morgen of the Netherlands extends fraternal greetings and warmest feelings of solidarity to KOE and all its comrades. We salute the 3rd Congress of KOE, and wish for it to be successful. From its very beginning we have closely observed – with respect and admiration – the courageous struggle of the Greek people against the plunder and oppression imposed upon their country by the IMF-EU-ECB troika. We are proud of the part KOE is playing in this inspiring movement and have defended the Greek people against reactionary government propaganda.

During this global capitalist crisis, worldwide governments each day present harsher measures against the peoples; it is the greatest post-war robbery and redistribution of the wealth. Also in the Netherlands there are lay-offs, reduction of wages and pensions, work until decrepit old age, liquidation of libraries, schools and privatization of hospitals. People are getting angrier day by day and have engaged into (for the Netherlands) unprecedented strikes and actions. It becomes clear that a radical political and social change is the only realistic way for the survival of the people. We have an obligation to stimulate the fight for socialism and to build a new Marxist-Leninist Workers Party.

We are certainly aware of the difficult tasks demanded from your organization and your comrades in this revolutionary situation. We look forward to learn from the conclusions reached by the 3rd Congress – to learn from your experiences in organizing the people’s struggles and your experience in party-building in this period. In order to oppose the forces of reaction, international cooperation and practical solidarity is needed. Our organisations are both members of ICOR. We hope our joint participation will strengthen our cooperation and solidarity – in order to overcome capitalist and neo colonialist exploitation – for the victory of socialism and communism. We wish KOE great success in the coming days and years of struggle!

Long live KOE!

Long live the international socialist revolution!

Workers of all countries, unite!

Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!

Comradely Greetings, for GML/Rode Morgen, Jeroen Toussaint


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