Ινδία, Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα Ινδίας (Μαρξιστικό-Λενινιστικό) – Χαιρετισμός στο 3ο Συνέδριο της ΚΟΕ (αποσπάσματα του μηνύματος)

Message to the Congress of the KOE – To the General Secretary and all delegates


Your congress takes place at a crucial time when the world is going through a time of great upheaval. Not coincidentally, it is Greece itself which is at the very epicentre of this upheaval. As the intense crisis of late 2008 continues, all attempts at bail-out are proved in vain. It has once again been proved that capitalism engenders inherent crisis and corruption and cannot provide a way out for humanity. The people of Greece are fighting an inspiring battle. The world is watching to see whether Greece proves to be the weakest link in the imperialist chain. We, of the CPI (ML) take this opportunity to salute the struggle of the people of Greece for freedom and democracy.

We also see the KOE playing role in this struggle. […] We hope that this Congress will be able to help the KOE to evolve a program for action which will inspire the people of Greece, which will put a new vision before the people of Greece and which will help them to be armed against the inevitable imperialist tactic of adaptation and assimilation.

We salute your 3rd Congress!

Workers and Oppressed People of the World Unite!

Down with Imperialism, Socialism is the only alternative!

Long live the unity of the working class of Greece and India!

16th March 2012

K. N. Ramachandran, General Secretary, Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist)