Κατηγορίες: Τρίτο Συνέδριο

Τουρκία-Β.Κουρδιστάν: Μαοϊκό Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα – Χαιρετισμός στο 3ο Συνέδριο της ΚΟΕ

To the Central Committee of Communist Organization of Greece (KOE)!

Dear comrades!

We salute your 3rd congress, which is an indication of devotion to the revolution, held by your party advanced in the communist course. Under the guidance of ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, in the name of Maoist Communist Party’s Central Committee, we greet you with our communist enthusiasm and comradely emotions!
We salute your party’s legitimized democratic will, which was brought about on the principle of democratic centralism, protecting the unity of will-action and clasping in the constituents of ideological-political-organizational construction, with genuiness of our humble, but persistent stand in the bulwarks of People’s war!
Despite we are different organizational parts of world proletariat situated in different geographies, for the reason of our common ideological ferment and our common Maoist characteristics we, in the name of Maoist Communist Party, hail the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE), your 3rd congress and the revolutionary people of Greece who are active in the struggle for democracy!

Dear comrades:

Your 3rd congress is meaningful all around. In recent circumstances where the liquidationism, which is active on international scale, paralyzes the communist and revolutionary movement, the realization of your 3rd congress is meaningful as a revolutionary activity by itself. It is also meaningful in terms of the duty of leading the political developments and revolutionary-democratic mass movement in your geography in favor of the revolution. Your 3rd congress is a revolutionary answer to imperialist liquidationism and various opportunist currents acting on liquidationist way. The date of realization of your 3rd congress is also a positive “coincidence” in terms of the revolutionary ground created by the economical crisis, and of advancing revolutionary gains by directing the movements to the struggle for political power.
The complexity of the intense political atmosphere taking place based upon strong revolutionary ground in your country is followed all around the world and especially by the imperialist world’s reaction. There is no doubt that we are, as maoists, following the honorable struggle of the people of your country too. The honorable proletariat and people of Greece are spending more time in the streets, in the practice of struggle, than in house. There is no doubt that this practice of struggle is a big experience. Although the revolutionary situation is immensely favorable, the subjective factor, unfortunately, has no ability to benefit from revolutionary conditions in the name of revolution. Despite the objective conditions of the revolution is ready, the second condition for making revolution, that is the subjective force of the revolution, is not prepared. While it is clear that your 3rd congress is a positive step for meeting this need, it is also clear that there are more missions to be shouldered.

Dear comrades:

The revolutionary situation and the revolutionary tide advanced on this base (even though it has spontaneous character) has presented an extremely favorable situation for proletarian revolution. The masses of people are in the streets, strikes and fights almost every day against the brutal oppression of domestic exploitative classes and imperialist reactionism. […] But this great struggle of the proletariat and the masses of people of Greece doesn’t bring about political births for Maoist leadership corresponding to its struggle practice as the result of its organizational insufficient.
Comrades, in the context of revolutionary needs characterized in just at this juncture of political circumstances, your party and your 3rd congress are in the face of a historical duty. Besides, in these circumstances organizing your 3rd congress is highly joyous and the demands of revolutionary circumstances and the fact of lacking of leadership especially have become your congress a promising event.
Comrades, the imperialist bandits, hand in hand with domestic collaborators, are plundering the resources of Greece and force the people of Greece to live a miserable life. By pretending economical crisis, they want to enslave the people of Greece and consolidate imperialist oppression more than ever before. The imperialist forces and monopolies, who are directly responsible for the crisis in Greece, take advantage of crisis in order to increase their exploitation and oppression on one hand, and degrade the people of Greece as if they are responsible for the crisis on the other hand.
Because of this reason the communists of Greece have to increase the communist-revolutionary struggle with the aim of political power against imperialist forces and their domestic collaborators. The emancipation and future of various nations and nationalities of people of Greece is in their hands- in the revolution which would be realized under the readership of proletarian party. Neither the manipulations performed by the government of technocrats, nor monetary aid plan of EU, which is in the benefit of smoothing the way for exploitation by imperialist monopolies and forces, is not solution for the people of Greece.
Forasmuch, the revolutionary emancipation of peoples need to increase the revolutionary fight against these reactionary, counterrevolutionary forces. So, to mobilize the people with this conscious has to be the specific and primary duty of your 3rd congress.
Comrades, today there is a need for communist leadership in Greece more than ever before. Today the objective conditions are completely in favor of revolution. In order to bring about a revolutionary advancement based on these conditions, the communist party, too, has to be sufficient in playing its role as a subjective factor.
We wish and believe that your communist leadership will become managing the revolutionary conditions based on revolutionary line of 3rd congress and once again hail your 3rd congress.
With the confidence that your 3rd congress will transform the revolutionary conditions into revolutionary gains and take it as an opportunity to advance the revolution, we celebrate you for your successful congress and want to state that we don’t have any doubt for your advancement!

Maoist Communist Party
Central Committee – Political Bureau
March 2012


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