Comradely greetings of solidarity to the Communist Organization of Greece/ KOE
We, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, which includes the Communist Party of the Philippines, express to you our warmest comradely greetings of militant solidarity to the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) on the occasion of its 3rd Congress from 16 to 18 March. We salute and congratulate your struggles with the people of Greece against the ruling system and IMF-EU-ECB troika, for winning victories and for preparing greater struggles and greater victories. We wish you the utmost success in holding the 3rd Congress in order to sum up your experience, learn positive and negative lessons, consolidate your victories and define the tasks to bring the over-all struggle to a new and higher level.
We are aware that you are holding the congress while the IMF-EU-ECB troika and their local puppets impose a regime that aims to liquidate the last remnants of democracy, sovereignty and independence, while such regime tries to convert Greece into a modern protectorate within Europe and threatens the very survival and dignity of you people, while the rotten political system sinks in deeper crisis and the broad masses become more determined to fight the ruling system and a new mass movement is surging forward.
We are confident that your congress will fulfill its main objective of strengthening your organization, illuminating the way for the overthrow of the ruling system and for the development of new political, economic and social conditions for the liberation of the people of Greece. We wish you all the success in assessing the 5-year period since the 2nd Congress, in evaluating the political situation and developments in Greece and internationally, and in setting the general directions for the next period.
16 March 2012
For the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, National Executive Committee
Certified by: Luis Jalandoni, NDFP Chief International Representative
Comradely greetings of solidarity to the Communist Organization of Greece/ KOE
We, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, which includes the Communist Party of the Philippines, express to you our warmest comradely greetings of militant solidarity to the Communist Organization of Greece (KOE) on the occasion of its 3rd Congress from 16 to 18 March. We salute and congratulate your struggles with the people of Greece against the ruling system and IMF-EU-ECB troika, for winning victories and for preparing greater struggles and greater victories. We wish you the utmost success in holding the 3rd Congress in order to sum up your experience, learn positive and negative lessons, consolidate your victories and define the tasks to bring the over-all struggle to a new and higher level.
We are aware that you are holding the congress while the IMF-EU-ECB troika and their local puppets impose a regime that aims to liquidate the last remnants of democracy, sovereignty and independence, while such regime tries to convert Greece into a modern protectorate within Europe and threatens the very survival and dignity of you people, while the rotten political system sinks in deeper crisis and the broad masses become more determined to fight the ruling system and a new mass movement is surging forward.
We are confident that your congress will fulfill its main objective of strengthening your organization, illuminating the way for the overthrow of the ruling system and for the development of new political, economic and social conditions for the liberation of the people of Greece. We wish you all the success in assessing the 5-year period since the 2nd Congress, in evaluating the political situation and developments in Greece and internationally, and in setting the general directions for the next period.
16 March 2012
For the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, National Executive Committee
Certified by: Luis Jalandoni, NDFP Chief International Representative
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