Κατηγορίες: Τρίτο Συνέδριο

Τουρκία-Β. Κουρδιστάν, Μαρξιστικό Λενινιστικό Κομμουνιστικό Κόμμα – Χαιρετισμός στο 3ο Συνέδριο της ΚΟΕ (αποσπάσματα του μηνύματος)

Message to the 3rd Congress of KOE

Dear Comrades of KOE,

Under the current political circumstances, doubtlessly the whole revolutionary movement, not only of Europe but of the world, is observing with excitement and hope the brave struggle of the Greek working class and labouring masses not only against its own bourgeoisie but the world capital; reflected most concretely in the troika of IMF, EU and ECB. […] The present situation in your country of a people not bowing its head against the fierce and comprehensive attacks of the class enemy but taking tirelessly to the streets as well as the heroic peoples’ uprisings in the Maghreb countries and the Middles East another proof of the inevitability of mass uprisings in the imperialist system. […] Meanwhile the objective situation for socialist revolution are maturing more and more, first of all in Greece, we, as the international revolutionary and communist movement unfortunately are still not capable of evaluating this opportunities and turn them into victories of revolution. In order to become the hope, the leader and the general staff of the working class and the labouring masses, we first of all have to organise ourselves in the proper way. We have to build strong organisations of war in order to get out of the marginal, defensive position and play our historical role; class struggle means nothing else but fighting for the power in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth class war.

Dear Comrades,

In this sense we give great importance to your 3rd Congress taking place in this important and critical period of history. We are sure that you will show great responsibility and commitment in order to draw revolutionary conclusions from the complex situation and do your very best in order to give the Greek people what they deserve: a determined, properly donated organisation able to lead them out of the current crisis and strait forward to a society without exploitation and oppression. We are also aware of our responsibility as a communist party to increase common solidarity and support; first of all in the general spirit of proletarian internationalism and secondly as your neighbour and friend. In this sense, your struggle is our struggle and no dirty move of the Turkish or Greek bourgeoisie will never ever be able to prevent all the peoples of our region to be brothers and sisters.

Dear Comrades,

We wish you success from all our hearts for the 3rd Congress of KOE and the important tasks awaiting you. We greet you with the revolutionary willpower and determination of our comrade Yasemin Ciftci, who went to eternity on the way for a revolutionary bombing action to increase the war against the bourgeoisie, the voice of millions of Kurdish people saying “either freedom or freedom” and are sending you the first sparks of this year’s fires of Newroz as a harbinger of a powerful spring defeating the cold capitalist winter.

With revolutionary greetings,

MLCP Turkey/Northern Kurdistan, International Bureau


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