We dare to win when we dare to struggle!
Solidarity message of Socialist Workers League (Nigeria) to the Communist Organization of Greece, (KOE), on the occasion of its 3rd Congress, holding in Athens on March 16-18, 2012
SWL extends a fraternal hand of solidarity to the KOE at this critical point in Greek and indeed, global history. Greece has been a centre point of the crisis of capitalism, in recent times.
The announcement by ratings agencies of the impending partial or full default on debts payment by the Greek government is a further testament to this. But even issues related to this show the anti-democratic nature of capitalism. The same ratings agencies that okayed some of the corporations that collapsed a few years back now tries to stoke hysteria towards justifying further attacks on the working people who are being made to bail out the capitalists for the mess they have made of the world.
The unelected government which is pushing through the anti-people’s thrust of austerity measures equally shows that capitalists anywhere have much more in common than they could ever have with workers in “their” own countries.
But if Greece has been central to the Eurozone locus of the present crisis, Greek workers & youths have also been a huge source of inspiration, thanks to the courage and persistence with which struggle against the bosses & their state. We of the SWL as with revolutionaries across the world have been impressed by this spirit of struggle.
In Nigeria, we are equally rising up to the challenge of struggle against attacks inspired by the same nexus of international finance capital which is behind austerity measures in Greece. In January, working people & youths seized the streets to protest a sharp hike in fuel prices (from N65 to N142), which is part of the agenda of the capitalists locally and globally i.e. make workers pay for the crisis. While partial victory was won with about 50% reduction of the amount earlier added to the price of petrol (now N97), we are gearing up for further struggle in April when the state intends to still put the price of petrol at N142 per litre.
We appreciate the solidarity of Greek communists, particularly as organised around “Dromos tis Aristeras”, the weekly newspaper which published our analysis on the Nigerian situation. We shall equally stand by the working class in Greece as much as we can, as we advance the unity & struggle of workers of all lands towards winning our self-emancipation & bringing to birth a socialist world.
Venceremos! We will win!
Baba Aye, National Chairperson, Socialist Workers League – Nigeria
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