Dear Comrades,
As is well known, the Nazis of Germany, although defeated in the criminal war they had waged against the peoples of the world, were not punished as befits people who committed crimes against humanity. On the contrary, they were brought to power by the American, British and French imperialists. These Nazis who were defeated by the Greek people are now back for their revenge. What permitted them to come back? Just as in Germany, they were protected by the American, British and French imperialists, so the same was done in Greece. For example, Grivas the Nazi collaborator, the traitor of the Greek nation who was about to be punished by the Greek patriots was saved by the British. This Nazi is well known in our country, as a “hero of the Greek nation”, although the only reason he came to our country was to destroy the communist led and genuine national liberation struggle with one led by NATO, by his new masters, the USA and UK. […]
[…] Today you need to concentrate on saving your nation from a catastrophe that has been prepared for them and is being applied against them. You have to find urgent means of uniting all the communists of different views, through uniting them, unite the Greek proletarians and Greek peasants, artisans, Greek intellectuals, professionals and in effect, the whole Greek nation for a lofty cause, the cause of National salvation, of national liberation, of democracy.
[…] When Serbia was being attacked, when Iraq was being attacked, when Libya was being attacked, when Afghanistan is being attacked the difficulty for the job turned out to be an impossibility, and the results are there for all to see: National humiliation. Outright barbarity that is declared to be democracy and the height of human values… Such is the hypocrisy of American, British, French imperialists. These countries fell apart for their leaders were not able to unify their nations. They had neither the class background for it, nor thus the ideology, the political capability for it. They were easily defeat-able and were easily defeated, taking their nation down with themselves.
But Greece is different. Greece gave us the heroes of anti Nazi war against the German Nazis and Italian Fascists; Greece gave us the Patriots of the Civil War who fought against the Nazi and fascist collaborators working with the USA and UK. Greeks gave us our own communist party and AKEL, an ability to organise a whole nation. If anyone can do it, Greek comrades can do it. You can unite the whole nation and your national minorities for the lofty cause of defending the national unity of Greece and achieving the national freedom of all nationalities within Greece. You can unite the people of Greece for democracy. Democracy is the power of the people, and thus is loved by all peoples, and most of all by the Greeks.
Democracy is the means of achieving unity that is needed here and now, in the mist of hard and difficult battles. Democracy is the means of unifying the whole nation for a common and single aim. If the nation does not come together to achieve a single and common aim, what ever aim is formulated by this or that section of the nation will be sidelined by the imperialists and their local lackeys, by their civil and military and religious and traitorous organisations. But through democracy, which today is nothing but direct democracy, by abiding with the decisions of the whole nation who can and does vote on all issues, unity of the whole nation and the unity of the leading forces of the whole nation can be achieved. […]
Long live Direct Democracy!
Down with the enemies of democracy!
Long live freedom of all nations of the world.
Long live free union of all the nations of the world.
Down with the national traitor bourgeoisie and feudal lords!
There are no longer war crimes, for making war and propagating for war is itself a crime against humanity. Down with war mongers and war makers!
15th March 2012
Sosialist Party of Cyprus, Central Committee
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