Dear KOE comrades,
First of all we want to send you our best and fraternal salute!
To Catalonia are arriving lots of news about Greece, and we are following very close all the things that are happening, so we have only a message to send to you: YOU MUST CONTINUE! You must fight against these politicians that are puppets of the Troika. They can only make bigger the inequality in this rotten system called Capitalism and they can only steal more rights to the workers. You have to know that you are leaders for us in your resistance, persistence and your courage. You are an example for all of the left movements around the world. Is for this that we send to you energy and our best wishes to continue the struggle against the IMF-EU-ECB.
In Catalonia the things are really difficult, because the government of Catalonia in the power of the catholic right party is destroying all the public system. Hospitals, schools are in danger, and today we have notices about more taxes in the university system… The Spanish government in the hands of Mariano Rajoy is going to approve a new labour reform that is going to break all the workers rights – it is for all of this that we are going to make a General Strike on 29th of March. The Youth of the Left Republican Party from Catalonia (JERC) is going to protest around the country against this outrage of the Spanish Government, and we are going also to be in the big demonstration of workers in Barcelona on 29th.
The Catalan Left Republican Movement is very happy to know that you are working in a new congress to mark the general directions for this next period. As you know more than nobody only working every day, with the people, with the students and with the workers we are going to achieve our dream of build a new world. We want like you a world without the oppression of the capitalism, where the flag of the socialism shall destroy all kind of discrimination and people will be free to exercise all of their rights as free citizens.
As you say, it is time to fight for Democracy, Independence and Emancipation!
Barcelona, Catalan Countries, on Friday 16th of March 2012
Rubén David Borràs (Spokesman of the International Commission of JERC)
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