To the 3rd Congress of the Communist Organization of Greece / KOE
Dear comrades,
on behalf of the new Italian Communist Party I wish that your Congress be successful and mark out an effective line of action by which lead Greek people’s masses to cut out the troika’s domination, the crisis of capitalism and the capitalism itself. Italian people’s masses face problems alike those of Greek people’s masses. The new Italian Communist Party undertakes to mobilize the many Workers’ Organizations (WO) and People’s Organizations (PO) existing in Italy in order to make them build their emergency government that will realize the program summarized in the following Six General Measures:
The guarantee of success of this emergency government is not mainly in the good intentions and in the individual honesty of the people who will make it up. It is mainly in the dialectical connection between it and the WO and PO. That is why the government must be made up by people trusted by the WO and the PO and who are also determined to give form and force of law to the provisions the WO and the PO indicate in each case in order to act concretely those Six General Measures, even if they are provisions damaging interests and privileges of the bourgeoisie, of the clergy, of rich people and of the world imperialist system, even if they go against their habits, institutions, yearnings and mentality, even if they will rouse the furious and violent reaction of the world imperialist system and of its fifth column in Italy. […] Surely it will not be a gala dinner. It will be a sharp fight but we can win it. The alternative is to be overwhelmed by capitalism crisis and used by the International Community of the bourgeoisie and the clergy for its manoeuvres and wars. We believe that the establishment and the work of such government in Italy will help also the Greek people’s masses to face the national tragedy in which the troika and the ruling classes throw Greece.
We wish the line your 3rd Congress will mark will make you able to head the revolt of Greek people’s masses and their victorious struggle for the rebirth. Keep up your good work, comrades!
Long live the proletarian internationalism!
15th March 2012
The comrade Ulisse, General Secretary of the new Italian Communist party
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