Dear comrades,
We salute the third congress of the KOE that takes place in the full of the resistance movement of the Greek working class against the politics imposed by IMF-EU-ECB. You correctly denounce the Troika politics that moves against the working class and in same time attacks the last remnants of democracy, sovereignty and independence.
Also in Italy, the Troika imposed a loyal government, composed by technician grown inside the capitalist corporations. A purely bourgeois government that can exercise his power freely, that responds to the social movements and to the class struggle with the brutal repression.
We support with internationalist solidarity the powerful movement of class struggle that is shaking not only the Greece, its represents a gymnasium for the entire European working class and for its different organizations. Our forces are acting inside the European Imperialist pole, with the obvious differences of our specific contexts, but as working class organizations we have to develop our capability inside the European scenario.
The exporting German and French bourgeoisies, who lead the Euro-pole, have imposed a de-industrialization to the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain), turning them into goods-importing countries, and debtors. The capital valorization crisis is sharpening global competition, thus reinforcing the warlike trend, the robbery of natural resources, and the attack on the working classes.
The different struggles in Europe, but especially in Greece, show that the class character of the EU has been widely understood. Their demands can be resumed in the refusal of banks’ debt and in the slogan “inside Europe, but outside the EU”. Comrades, we are at your side in the common struggle for the socialism!
2012 March 16th
Rete dei Comunisti, National secretariat, International commission
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