Κατηγορίες: Τρίτο Συνέδριο

Ισλανδία, Κόκκινο Φόρουμ – Χαιρετισμός στο 3ο Συνέδριο της ΚΟΕ

Dear comrades and friends:

We have followed the development of events in Greece the last couple of years and the utterly sharpening of the situation the last few months. Greece has become a hot spot for the general crisis of the capitalist system, where the reactionary forces of Greece, of EU and on world scale are about to destroy the Greek society in order to secure their own profits.

We admire the escalating resistance of the Greek people and the working masses against the hostile attacks from the Troika and the internal forces of the capitalist class on the living conditions for the people. We are thankful for the opportunity to visit Greece and the comrades of KOE for mutual discussion the last two years and become acquainted with the real situation.

We hope for strengthening of the unity within the Greek people in a revolutionary process ahead. And for that, the revolutionary communist leadership is crucial. We wish the Communist Organisation of Greece a fruitful congress and success in the struggle ahead and for the strengthening of the unity of the communist movement as a whole. Our cause is immortal and a key to a better future for the people. Success for the Greek people is important for the people in Iceland and elsewhere.

Long live the revolutionary struggle of the Greek people!

Long live the proletarian internationalism!

On behalf of Red Forum in Iceland, Thorvaldur Thorvaldsson


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