Dear comrades,
On behalf of the MLPD, its youth league Rebell and the children’s organization Red Foxes we would like to extend our warmest revolutionary greetings to all delegates. The courageous struggle of the Greek and the masses has developed strong influence and gained support worldwide. The so-called „rescue of Greece“ is in fact a political dictate of the solely ruling international finance capital through the so-called troika of the European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank. German imperialism is at the lead of the implementation of the measures. From one EU crisis summit to the next, the fear of the ruling powers can be felt that the development of the class struggle and active popular resistance in Greece will become a signal and an example in all of Europe.
We are strongly supporting that against chauvinist and anticommunist slander and advocating class solidarity with your struggle. In our rank-and-file work, in factory and neighborhood newspapers, our central organ Red Flag or in the meetings in the framework of the series „Internationalism live“ on Greece, the MLPD explained the underlying causes and organized solidarity. In working-class struggles we oriented toward developing close binds with the mass protests in other European countries. In independent struggles of the steel workers against factory closures or in the current strikes of 130 000 colleagues in civil service, in the Monday demonstrations or in the preparation of a new mass struggle in the mining industry, the slogan „Fight like in Greece!“ is being spread. This especially because the imperialist German government in Europe is at the lead in dictating the rigorous program against the workers and the broad masses of people in Greece – just like here in Germany! In the framework of the systematic rank-and-file work we are closely tied to you in the campaign for making the ICOR more broadly known and anchoring the socialist perspective. […]
We have learned a lot in the many years of our cooperation! We warmly invite you to the international seminar of the ICOR Europe and the MLPD on 1 and 2 November 2012 in Dortmund (Germany) on the European question and are certain that you can make a significant contribution with your important experiences. We are very happy to be a member of the ICOR, founded in 2010, together with the KOE and more than 40 further organizations, in order to support each other in class struggle and party building and to come nearer to the international socialist revolution. In this spirit:
For further good cooperation!
We wish your 3rd Congress, your work in party building and class struggle full success!
Onward with the ICOR and the joint preparation of the international revolution!
14 March 2012,
Marxist-Leninist Party Germany (MLPD), Central Committee
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